Turn the thermostat up when you get home and get indoor climate change on demand, with our team providing gas furnace repair in Madison, WI, to back you up. At Southport Home Services, our technicians are NATE-certified and top-rated, arriving prepared to promptly diagnose and service your heating system.

If you’re reluctant to turn up the heat because of the cost, we can fix that, too, with a gas furnace replacement system that’s more energy—and budget-friendly. Today’s heaters have leapt forward in efficiency over older models, typically from under 60 percent to over 80 percent. Advanced burner technologies can bring you even higher, reducing combustion emissions as well.

Turn to us for more than warmth when winter’s hard freezes keep your furnace working hard. We can add humidity management and other air quality improvements so your new furnace produces warmth that feels better. Many homeowners find that a great indoor climate even lets them turn down the temperature a few degrees!